Ambrosian Associates in Counseling

"No one heals himself by wounding another"

St. Ambrose

We can choose to get bitter and blame others for our pain, loss, and suffering. Or we can choose to get Better and encounter ourselves in our own pain.

Dr. Hoffman

Who Are We & What Do We Do?

We are a Practice dedicated to the growth of the person through a Spiritual Journey to the center of self, using the Mind, Body, and Soul... The Psychological, Medical and Spiritual Disciplines... To direct individuals to their center. In life there are basically two choices we can make in response to pain and sorrow. We can choose to get bitter and blame others for our pain, loss, and suffering. Or we can choose to get Better and encounter ourselves in our own pain. It is only through insight, understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance that we can learn to love ourselves and others and find the peace, love and joy we all desire. Our motto is taken from Saint Ambrose, who said: "No one heals himself by wounding another."

Dr. Timothy C. Hoffman

Founding Director

Dr. Timothy C. Hoffman

The Founding Director of the Ambrosian Associates Since 1975.

Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists

Please make sure to visit the Reading List. It will open your Heart, Mind and Soul.


Jill C. Hoffman

Director of Ambrosian Associates Massage Therapy

Jill C. Hoffman is a Licensed Massage Therapist who graduated from one of the leading schools of Massage Therapy in the country.

Massage Therapy

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Our Mission Statement

In conjunction with great respect for the spiritual life of each client, the counseling provided by the Associate is well-grounded in educational and spiritual traditions of proven value in the science and arts of Medicine and Human Development. Along with the principles employed in standard treatment, we use additional features designed to help one understand and develop an interior life that will be supportive in all of a person's psychological and spiritual endeavors. Such things as the reading of spiritual classics, simple meditative prayer, and, in selected cases, the incorporation of Psychotherapy and Body Work by Jill C. Hoffman, L.M.T. are some of the ways in which we assist the treatment process.

Because he has personally participated in his own ongoing process of human growth under the spiritual direction of a specially qualified Cistercian priest, monk, physician, and mentor Dom Mark Delery, O.C.S.O., M.D., F.A.C.P., Dr. Hoffman is able to apply the principles he has learned for the purpose of strengthening and enhancing the practices of pastoral counseling and spirituality.

Each associate in the Group is expected to have appropriate educational degrees from approved universities. Internships and training take place in pastoral settings under close supervision and monitoring to inculcate the particular methodology unique to our Founder and his Mentor.

Of notable mention as contributors to our practice {in a hidden but real way} are the spouses and children of each Associate. Their loyal commitments and sacrifices have been essential to the existence and the growth of the Pastoral Counseling Center. For this, we are thankful to God, whom we are trying to serve in our specialized ministry. We wish to stress that we are ecumenical and interdenominational in our methods so that clients can grow in whatever tradition they feel most comfortable.